The gig economy, where armies of people are forced to work freelance or side-employment has also a good side. One is free time that can be dispersed between multiple organizations, filling the blanks. When it comes to healthcare, there are companies that nail it. One of them is Florence – a UK-based company with the mission of helping those who care.

The origin story – who built the company?
Florence is a healthcare scaleup that connects professionals with jobs. With the help of the app, the personnel can find fitting opening without hassle. Hospitals, private citizens, and more can connect instantly with healthcare staff. They, on the other hand, can find jobs in a second, get paid, and work without the necessity of filling up tons of documentation. Everything is app-based, instant, and easy to use.
It’s all based on the idea of shifts, where caregivers book slots based on their free time; aside from a regular job in hospitals, hospices or rest homes. That way patients get the care they need; facilities are covered and professionals are fixed for extra income. It’s a winning deal, no matter the way you cut it.
Everything started in 2016 when doctor Charles Armitage and ex-British Army officer Dan Blake met. They quickly realized that the care industry was failing. Literally, nothing worked. The fees were unfair, and systems used to track patients, their needs, and care methods, outdated.
To make it worse, the recruitment methods were simply broken. Instead of helping people in need, the recruitment process created a vacuum in the system. Caregivers were overstretched and patients didn’t receive the quality services they deserved.
That’s why Charles and Dan decided the time to act is now. They wanted to make the process simpler, clearer for everyone involved, and simply put – effective. So Florence was born – a healthtech app where everyone is on the same page and shifts are filled in a responsible way.
Today it is available in the UK and Canada. The team also announced expansion into France.
The business model and revenue streams
The business model is pretty interesting since it’s based on offering multiple services. Clients can search for and book temporary staff (healthcare staffing), can additionally train them with Florence Academy, and manage relations between staff and NHS-accepted facilities.
Gig workers can manage multiple agencies, take part in Academy activities, manage their accounts and payments, and more.
The app also offers employee scheduling and incident management services.
Florence is a perfect example of an app created from observing a market failure and delivering on a promise to fix it. The product helps professionals fill the blanks in the system while granting the opportunity to a side hassle… without a hassle.
We understand it. We have created digital products for our clients for 17 years and counting. We utilize artificial intelligence to speed up the process. At Code & Pepper, we hire only the best 1.6% of software engineers on the market. If you need a healthtech app, contact us. Let’s create another market breakthrough.