Tag: FinTech software development

Why Do We Need Blockchain? 7 Reasons Why It’s Important

Why is blockchain technology important

Why use blockchain? The answer, contrary to appearances, is no – you don’t necessarily need it. Not every business is better for it. There are clear benefits coming from implementation but applying this technology doesn’t make your company more relevant. It just generates unnecessary costs. However, some products do benefit and here are 7 reasons why blockchain is important in today’s FinTech market.

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Dark Mode Design – The Benefits of UX / UI Dark Theme

Creators that don’t implement a dark mode UX in their applications, leave them in the dark. One of the most interesting trends in recent web design is making sure that the product works for everyone. For those who prefer bright displays and those who want to reduce eye strain, especially in the dark. Benefits start there but the list of advantages is longer. What are they and how can you use them to serve the audience?

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Latest Mobile App Development Trends for 2022

With multiple developments in the industry, it’s hard to know which trends to follow. What investments to make to assure your company is future-proof? What technologies are making the headlines? What should you be paying attention to, to stay ahead of the competition? With this map of app development trends, you will know what’s around the corner.

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10 Top Software Development Trends for 2022

Progress can be defined as a way to avoid yesterday’s mistakes. Don’t look up the phrase, I just came up with it. In the world of software development, it holds surprisingly well. Companies perfected the way to create and deliver digital products, now it’s time to use them for a common good. Like green FinTech, which puts additional value on daily commercial activity. Here’s our list of software development trends for 2022. Some of them will be surprising!

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7 Biggest Fintech Trends to Watch in 2022

FinTech is always bursting with ideas. New trends come and go, applications rise and fall. What’s constant is the consumer’s need to find a tool assisting with everyday life challenges and occasions. FinTech trends in 2022 are special because they sum up an era of product development while pointing towards what’s to come. The market landscape will look like nothing before. Are you ready for it?

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Payment Processing Trends 2022. Industry Changes Overview

Payment processing trends are changing as fast as the entire FinTech does. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated what has been already in the works. It also created new trends that are clearly visible. If your company is not on board, it will be harder to compete in the upcoming years. What are current payment processing industry trends and how can you react to them?

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Top 10 Innovative FinTech Startups That Found Their Niche

FinTech innovations are hard to come by. The competition is fierce and there are thousands of companies that do the same thing you want to do. To succeed, you have to find your own voice and recipe. With this list, you can find out what currently sells and adjust the strategy and the product accordingly.

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Data Visualization UX – Best Practices & Bad Patterns

FinTech is for people, not for robots that crawl for data. Apps should be simple, functional and display all information in a way that can be understood by everyone. Tech-savvy Generation Z and seniors. The art of presenting data to a user should involve fun and user involvement, you want people to actively use the product. 

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Software Infrastructure Architecture – Server or Serverless?

Both approaches have their benefits but none of them fits all. The more probable occurrence of a serious disruption for your business, the shorter recovery time you should have in place. The point for serverless is to boost your infrastructure architecture. There are other benefits, especially for small and medium-sized companies. Let’s go through them all.

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Gartner Hype Cycle – What is it, how to use it? 2022 Guide


New technologies get invented and new products are created daily, but only some of them succeed long-term. But can success be predicted and can a product’s life cycle be planned for maximum benefits? Gartner’s hype cycle metrics can help you with that, find out how.

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Embedded Finance Solutions – What Are They? Definitions and Examples

What is embedded finance? In a nutshell, it’s when a FinTech company puts its solutions in a third party’s app. For example, when you order a pizza and pay one way, out of multiple available options. Or when you are looking for a loan and your favorite financial app is recommending one of the top FinTech lending operators. The goal of embedded finance solutions is to provide a seamless and practical experience for users and broaden their choices while staying convenient.

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Banking as a Service – What is BaaS? Definition and Examples

Over the years, the FinTech industry has proven itself to be one of the most dynamic sectors of the global economy. Once again, it surprises with a pivot that can change customers’ habits and drive new streams of revenue. It’s called “banking as a service” (BaaS) and it stormtroops through the market. What is it? Can you participate in the trend?

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How Do Research and Development Affect Economic Growth?

Significantly. Research and development (R&D) drive the economy through innovation. That attracts talents that push new products and services even further, expanding the internal market and creating value for export. Finally, research and development positively affect business across the board – from internal processes, through new hires, ending with a long-term strategy for growth. How do research and development affect productivity and what should you do to make it happen?

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Cloud Banking Solutions – Key Facts and Benefits

Banking needs more and more raw power, as well as fast access to data from literally anywhere. Cloud computing is the perfect solution, as it allows for transferring information throughout the Internet in the most efficient way. But why exactly does it meet the banking needs so well and how do customers benefit from it? Answers to these and more questions are waiting for you in our new post!

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Blockchain and Cryptocurrency. The Fintech Blockchain Market

FinTech has always been founded on the notion that traditional ways of doing business don’t work. There has to be an innovation that drives the sector. There has to be a value proposition that spikes customer’s interest. From now on, the money has to be secure, easy to manage, and available from anywhere and at any time. The FinTech blockchain market makes it possible.

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How Does Blockchain Work? A Guide for Beginners

Despite challenges associated with each solution and business model, all FinTech companies face the same basic problem – trust. People confide with these organizations to multiply, keep safe or simply loan money. Their money. That’s why an image is so valuable. There’s a way to build trust and ensure a high level of technical proficiency; all at the same time. It’s called blockchain.

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Top Technologies Used in Modern FinTech Industry

FinTech or financial technology is one of the most vibrant sectors of a modern economy. The number of innovations implemented in the field exceeds the expectations of many analysts and users alike. FinTech is so successful because it combines healthy business interests on the side of applications’ owners and the daily needs of customers. A spectacular proof is the rise of insurance technology but the whole FinTech is full of novelties. Let’s discover them all.

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Why is transparency important in the software development process?

The importance of transparency in the software development process extends beyond creating a product. It’s the quality of business relationships that really matters. The market-ready product, being the final stage of a business relation, is only a result. The reason behind its successful delivery by the vendor and the acceptance by the client is an honest partnership. How to make sure that transparency in software development really works?

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Client’s Role and Responsibilities in Software Development Process

A construction site on an alien planet is like a hive – everyone knows what to do, everyone has a specific role to play. There are risks and unknowns. Erection of a building under these circumstances requires careful planning, selection of materials, coordination, and teamwork. Similar rules apply in software development – engineers, product owners, designers, and quality assurance specialists are focused on their specific tasks. But the most important role is played not by developers; it’s reserved for the client. Here’s how the client’s responsibilities in product development translate into working application.

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Top 20 Questions to Ask a Software Development Company (part 2)

You surely have points to check before signing a contract with a development company. You want to make sure that the partner you are going to choose, is reliable and software quality is spot-on. This is part two of hour lenghty and very detailed article, so if you have questions to ask a software development company, visit the first material: Questions to ask before hiring software development company.

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Top 20 Questions to Ask a Software Development Company (part 1)

Software development contracts can be built in multiple ways but one thing that should matter the most is software quality. Meetings and calls before the start of product development will help you make a good decision and choose the right software vendor. What to pay attention to? What to avoid? How to learn more about your partner? We made a list of 20 questions to ask when signing a contract with a software development company.

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Machine Learning in Finance, Banking and FinTech

Consumers of digital services expect quality service, security, and convenience. Machine learning (ML) in finance is the best example of how these needs can be fulfilled. Without compromising business models, and the need to generate revenue. With customer-centricity in mind. The best way to serve people what they need is to know them a little better. How is this goal achieved and what’s the state of machine learning adoption in the industry?

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AI vs. Financial Crime – Fight Against Money Laundering (AML) and Bad Actors

Artificial intelligence (AI) in FinTech is often associated with Big Data and analysis of customers’ behavior. In reality, it can be used in a wider range. Anti-money laundering (AML) AI is used to fight financial crime and secure apps’ reputation. After all, financial technology is all about trust. How is it done and what conclusions can you draw for yourself?

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